How to write a essay plan
Op Ed Essay Examples
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Operation Management Essay
To be capable produce particular directors fit for satisfying vital assignments inside business and government ventures the requirement for the act of activities the board can't be done without. Tasks the board is extremely critical in business activities since it frames the core of the association by controlling the arrangement of activity. Activities the board manages the structure, activity, and upgrade of the frameworks that create and convey a firm’s essential items and administrations. Like advertising and money, tasks the executives is an all around structured field of business with clear administration obligations. Panasonic Corp. is an organization wherein produces different electronic parts, for example, Audio, Video, Televisions, Information and Communication, Semi-conductors and other Electronic Components. In a business element like Panasonic Corp. the utilization of tasks the executives is extremely basic in each system of the company’s exercises. Panasonic Corp. utilizes tasks the executives to guarantee and keep up skill and viability in the association. Productivity in Panasonic Corp. s worried about how well assets, for example, singular aptitude and sources of info are placed being used regardless of the explanation behind which they were sent in the association. The organization through its presentation guarantees that the principle objective for its foundation to produce benefits and expand investors esteem is figured it out. The organization diminishes its expense of creation by guaranteeing that unmistakable and impalpable belongings are not over extended or squandered in the association. This is where the organization does adequately its objectives to be the market chief utilizing least assets to achieve most extreme yield. The strategies for adequacy and fitness in Panasonic Corp. prompts work productivity, yield, and capacity fill working capital usage and the effectiveness of creation frameworks. Panasonic Corp. likewise utilizes its items and administrations the board through activities the executives. Item (or administration) the executives incorporates a wide scope of the board exercises, going from the time that there’s another thought for an item to eventually offer continuous help to shoppers who have bought the new and creative item. Each association conducts item management, regardless of whether it’s done intentionally or not purposely. Panasonic Corp. through this module gives a wide thought of contemplations in creating and dealing with its products. Panasonic Corp. utilizes it center point abilities in the zones of assembling, marking, advancing through discount and retail outlets to accomplish serious advantages in the commercial center. Quality administration is likewise an exceptionally fundamental part of activities the board in each association. Panasonic Corp. s extremely critical about its items created for the buyer in the commercial center. Quality administration is fundamental to compelling activities the executives, especially continuous flawlessness to coordinate the purchasers taste and inclination consistently. The executives Control and Coordinating Function can't be sworn off in activities the executives especially in an organization like Panasonic Corp. The board control and coordination incorporates a wide arrangement of exercises to verify that the company’s destinations are reliably being met in a powerful and proficient style. Key ways to deal with the company’s hierarchical control and coordination contain item evaluation, item designation, advertising and advancement, deals and administration and item headway. The organization likewise utilizes ads as a significant instrument to arrive at the client. In this undeniably growing and serious commercial center, the organization ensure its items and administrations are quite in the psyches of their clients and customers. This happens as a result of progressing advancement and publicizing by the organization. Offices the executives is likewise a basic errand and its significance on tasks the executives for Panasonic Corp. s required. Successful tasks the executives in the company’s exercises relies upon a serious deal of powerful administration of offices, for example, structures, PC framework, plants and hardware and so on. Offices the board in Panasonic corp. is significant since the organization might be occupied in a group or large scale manufacturing relying upon the interest conditions available. For this situation offices should be overseen in creating huge amounts of items which must be steady to fulfill the market need at distinct period. All around oversaw offices help underway speed, lower per unit cost, oversee and control the proficiency in the company’s creation process. Stock control and the executives is one significant factor of tasks the board that Panasonic Corp. utilizes in its activities. Overseeing and controlling the stock of the organization is basic and fundamental. Creative techniques, for example, Just-in-Time stock control, are the absolute most significant instruments utilized by the organization to reduce expenses and move items and administrations to customers all the more quickly. For the most part the centrality of tasks the board on business is urrounded in each part of the associations exercises and in this manner has essential task to carry out in guaranteeing that associations accomplish their destinations and objectives. Each association, regardless of whether it produces merchandise or offers types of assistance outfits clients with commendable items. In this way, to contend with different associations, an organization must change assets (materials, work, cash, data) into merchandise or administrations as productively as could be expected under the circumstances. The upper-level administrator who coordinates this change procedure is called a tasks director. The activity of tasks the executives (OM) is to change assets into items which comprise of the considerable number of exercises associated with changing an item thought into completed and last items. As such, activities directors deal with the procedure that changes contributions to yields. Like Panasonic Corp. all producers set out to execute a similar essential jobs: to change assets into completed merchandise. To play out this capacity in today’s business environmental factors, producers should continually battle to improve operational viability. They should concentrate on quality, the expenses of materials and work and all costs that enhance the completed item. Putting forth the choices in the attempt to accomplish these destinations is the activity of the tasks chief. That person’s duties can be gathered as follows: * Production arranging. During creation arranging, chiefs decide how merchandise will be delivered, where creation will be done, and how fabricating offices will be finished. * Production control. When the creation procedure is begun, chiefs should monotonously calendar and screen the exercises that make up that procedure. They should react to criticism and make changes where required. At this stage, they additionally administer the buying of crude materials and the utilization of inventories. * Quality control. At last, the tasks administrator is straightforwardly worried in endeavors to ensure that merchandise are delivered by terms and that quality qualities are kept up. Arranging the Production Process Managers in Panasonic Corp. accept that the choices made in the arranging stage have long-extend suggestions and are essential to a firm’s accomplishment. Before settling on choices about the tasks procedure, supervisors must consider the objectives set by showcasing directors. Does the organization intend to be an ease maker and to battle based on cost? Or on the other hand does it intend to concentrate on quality and pursue the high finish of the market? Maybe it needs to manufacture a standard of consistency. Imagine a scenario in which it expects to offer a wide scope of items. To make things significantly progressively muddled, every one of these choices include exchange offs. Maintaining a notoriety for dependability isn’t essentially perfect with offering a wide scope of items. Ease doesn’t regularly go inseparably with high caliber. In light of these components, let’s take a gander at the particular kinds of choices that must be made in the creation arranging process. We’ve separated these choices into those managing creation techniques, site determination, office design, and parts and materials the board. Creation Method Decisions The initial phase underway arranging is choosing which kind of creation process is best for making the merchandise that your organization expects to fabricate. In arriving at this choice, you should respond to such inquiries as the accompanying: * How much info do I get from a specific client before creating my products? * Am I making a stand-out great dependent on client details, or am I creating high-volume normalized products to be sold later? * Do I offer clients the alternative of â€Å"customizing†an in any case normalized great to meet their particular needs? One approach to value the idea of this choice is by looking at three essential sorts of procedures or techniques: specially make, large scale manufacturing, and mass customization. The assignment of the activities chief is to work with different directors, especially advertisers, to choose the procedure that best serves the necessities of the company’s clients. Specially make At one time, most purchaser products, for example, furniture and garments, were made by people rehearsing different artworks. By their very nature, items were tweaked to address the issues of the purchasers who requested them. This procedure, which is known as a specially make strategymake-to-arrange strategyProduction technique in which items are made to client detail. is still normally utilized by such organizations as print or sign shops that produce low-volume, high-assortment products as indicated by client determinations. Large scale manufacturing Automakers produce a high volume of vehicles fully expecting future interest. By the mid twentieth century, notwithstanding, another idea of creating products had been presented: mass produc
Friday, August 21, 2020
UNIT FIVE Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
UNIT FIVE - Assignment Example The ANA is an expert body that speaks to interests of more than 3 million medical attendants in the United States (Mahlin, 2010). To make this a simpler undertaking, the ANA has incepted constituent and state affiliations. In the first place, the ANA is bound to cultivate elevated requirements in nursing rehearse and advance the privileges of attendants at their work place. Correspondingly, it gives a sensible perspective on nursing in a positive manner. It stretches out its assurance to improve the area by drawing in Congress and other administrative bodies to accomplish its crucial (and Kurtzman, 2010). Its crucial that it is resolved to propel nursing as a calling to improve the wellbeing of those that need it. The subsequent affiliation is the International Council of Nurses (ICN). This is a global body that plans to unite all the enlisted nurture in numerous nations. In actuality, the association has installed in excess of 130 nursing affiliations. Obviously, the association has a predetermined number of part associations in every nation, which is equal to one. It has fused the comprehensive structure that grants other local gatherings in nursing to become individuals (Carter et al., 2010). Its crucial to improve the nursing structure and administration conveyance from all the perspectives in the part. The authority of ICN is in the hands of the President and three Vice Presidents who go about as the official advisory group. Relatively, the ICN is like the ANA just that the ICN works in a more extensive geological locale. The third nursing bunch that is ending up being instrumental is the National Association of Neonatal Nurses (NANN). The NANN tends to the instructive needs and practices inside neonatal nursing and claim to fame. Along these lines, individuals profit by the portrayal given by the association. The NANN is like different affiliations just in that it is focused on improving the instructive needs and claim to fame of neonatal medical caretake rs. Thus, it investigates different methods for instructing neonatal medical caretakers by concentrating on peer looked into distributions, instructive meetings, books, and other educational materials in the neonatal practice. The chiefs of these affiliations are instrumental main thrusts in accomplishing the objectives and missions of the gathering. For instance, the directors guarantee they hold yearly gatherings to assess the advancement. Thusly, they can fashion a path forward in actualizing all the conversations. Furthermore, there are exchanges with overseeing bodies which remember Congress and governments for actualizing the expressed cases. Thirdly, these affiliations assemble data through research to guarantee the training is being improved with time. Without such viewpoints, the nursing affiliations are not liable to stamp an improvement in their separate work gatherings. So as to arrive at an aggregate deal, there are different components that are persuasive. To begin wit h, laborers are permitted to join any relationship of their decision as long as it doesn't influence their administration conveyance (Carter et al., 2010). This is established, and nurture are permitted to join any gathering that will encourage them to accomplish their objectives. Also, the vast majority of the medical attendants want to join these relationship since they increase the value of the medical caretakers. For instance, the need to improve the administration conveyance pushes the medical caretakers to join these gatherings for extra instruction. Thirdly, the nursing affiliations improve the privileges of attendants at their work place. Consequently, medical attendants join these
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
I Am a Slave to the Writing Process
Writers should write for themselves. I’ve stated this many times to my peers and teachers alike. Although writers may write to entertain others, it is still for themselves. They like to know someone picked up their work and gave it the time of the day. They like to know someone took their work and laid down in bed with it for a few minutes. They like to know young adults gab about the characters in their story. And they like to know someone spent a buck or two. Writers write for themselves. They write for the inner satisfaction. That is why I am not a writer and why my writing process isn’t sincere. I do not sit around and fantasize about a character who must go on a quest. I do not conjure up a magical world in which an amazing, epic journey takes place. I get up at 6 AM, shower, drive to school, go to my classes, attend drama practice, do homework, eat something, and go to bed. I live in reality. When I come to school every morning, I sit down in the commons a nd check my schedule for the week. My head is full of spinning, groggy nonsense. I usually just sit there and think of nothing but the ensuing doom that is the work load I will receive throughout the day. And I do receive it. Worksheets and projects and papers galore. So much I could dump it on the ground, out of my folders, and recreate a whole tree out of it. I could give a tree life again. I could restore the natural order. And I work so hard. I work so, so hard. For one thing. College . . . I work so hard for more schooling. A harder education. Four more years of it, to be exact. I spend all my time striving for the green light to attend a university that will send me spiraling into financial debt. This whole process just seems so redundant. If I had it my way, maybe I would go to college. From my classes, I would learn how to speak really clean Spanish. Meanwhile, I would be working and saving my money. Then, once I got out of college, I would take a train down to South America and evade my student loans. I would change my name and spend my days living a carefree, open-minded life, working in some trash hole restaurant, where the kitchens were stained with grease, but the food was authentic. I could rise in the morning, greeted by the mild sun. The wind would blow on my tanned skin. Maybe I would just keep traveling from place to place. Perhaps I would meet friends in every country and I could stay with them when I visit, if they were so gracious. Maybe I’d lose weight. Maybe. That all certainly sounds like a great novel. But I don’t daydream. And I’m not a writer. So forget that.  That’s what I would do. If I could do it. But I can’t. Like I said, I live in reality.  So, I get up at 6 AM, shower, drive to school, go to my classes, attend drama practice, do homework, eat something, and go to bed. So I pump out papers endlessly in the hopes I will pull through the school year with good g rades to impress my family and my peers and my teachers. And so I will apply to a nice college and attend classes there. I will work endlessly to pay back my student loans. Writers should write for themselves. I write for others. Although writers may write to entertain others, it is still for themselves. Although I may write to entertain others, it’s really just to impress them. Writers like to know someone picked up their work and gave it the time of the day. I like to know a teacher picked up my work and graded it in a timely manner. Writers like to know someone took their work and laid down in bed with it for a few minutes. I like to know a teacher checked off all the appropriate boxes I was required to fill. Writers like to know young adults gab about the characters in their story. I like to know young adults are on the same track as me. And writers like to know someone spent a buck or two. I like to know I have a buck or two. Writers write for themselves. I write for others. Writers write for the inner satisfaction. I write for others’ inner satisfaction. That is why I am not a writer and why my writing process isn’t sincere. There is no process. Just a mad dash to get it written in a satisfactory manner in the hopes it will come back to me with high marks. If that’s not a strong enough image to end on, then please picture a young adult who is typing away on her laptop feverishly, with thoughts of financial doom and existential crisis looming over her in a sadly cartoonish thought bubble over her head.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
A New Science Of Genetic Engineering Essay - 1130 Words
After years of work, Dr. Smith, has successfully edited the human genome. Shortly after, he began to marvel at the possibilities he unlocked, but also begged the question of the possible consequences he created from this achievement which would affect the impending future. He worried as to how the public would react to his life work. The growing potential of gene editing is sweeping the US, filled with both overwhelming hope as well as fear. This is a bridge which must be crossed to achieve trust within the biomedical community. To ensure the people this can bring great change without the unethical byproducts which could come with gene editing. Much of the American public is divided with the relatively new science of genetic engineering due to concerning ethical issues, but would benefit in many ways from its implementation into society. Genetic engineering started with an idea picked up by the US government in the mid-80s, it is now the planet’s largest collective biological project. So what does gene editing consist of exactly? Heidi Chial explains it began with a few steps, the first was the Human Genome Project launched in 1990. A worldwide project which would last 13 years until its completion in 2003. The goal of the project was to determine and understand the sequence of nucleotides within human DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in 15 years; the team finishes ahead of schedule. Through the years following research and innovation led to many advances geared towards theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Genetic Engineering is Unethical1154 Words  | 5 PagesPrize winning biologist and Harvard professor, George Wald, in a lecture given in 1976 on the Dangers of Genetic Engineering. This quotation states that incredible inventions, such as genetic engineering, are not always beneficial to society. Genetic engineering is â€Å"altering the genetic material of cells and/or organisms in order to make them capable of making new substances or performing new functions; (Wald 45). It is also one of the top controversial issues of the 20th century (Epstein 1). ManyRead MoreEssay about Applications of Gene Modification869 Words  | 4 Pagescontroversial topics and hot button issues. New breakthroughs in science and technology can leave people upset and not ready for change. One of the most prevalent examples of a controversial science is genetic engineering. The modification of genes is becoming a popular application in science, but some people aren’t ready. Genetic engineering will play a big part in the scientific world in the next few years. Most people don’t think this is a good thing, but the use of genetic modification can increase the worldsRead MoreGenetic Engineering: a Blessing or a Curse?1370 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Science is a creature that continues to evolve at a much higher rate than the beings that gave it birth. The transformation time from plant, to ape, to human far exceeds the time from a calculator to a computer. However science in the past has always remained distant. It has allowed for advances in production, transportation, and even entertainment, but never in history has science be able to so deeply affect our lives as genetic engineering will undoubtedly do. With the new technologyRead MoreThe Animals Of The Pigs1653 Words  | 7 Pagesglowing green snouts are genetically engineered animals known as transgenic animals. Canadian council on animal care (CCAC) defines transgenic animal as â€Å"an animal in which there has been a deliberate modification of its genome†1. Method of Genetic Engineering to produce pigs with glowing green snouts: These transgenic pigs were produced using a technique called DNA microinjection2. For the very first time, 10 piglets with glowing green snouts were produced using this technique in year 2013 in ChinaRead MoreThe Importance Of Genetic Engineering1282 Words  | 6 PagesGenetic engineering is defined as the modification of the characteristics of an organism by altering its genetic material. Although the definition makes it seems clear and concise, it is far more complicated. This new advancement has caused a huge debate over the ethics and laws of what it is able to do. Genetic engineering is immensely important because of the potential benefits it contains and the advances it allows for in the future. The ultimate goal of genetic engineering is to prevent, treatRead MoreThe Ethics Of Genetic Engineering1639 Words  | 7 PagesGenetic engineering has to do with manipulating organisms and DNA to create body characteristics. The practice of genetic DNA has shown an increasing amou nt over the past years. The process of genetic enhancement involves manipulating organisms by using biotechnologies. The technique is by removing a DNA from one life form and transferring it to another set of traits or organism. Certain barriers are conquered, and the procedure involves changing a form of cells, resulting from an improvement orRead MoreGenetic Engineering : Genetic Modification1518 Words  | 7 Pageswrite my paper about Genetic engineering also known as genetic modification. In a nutshell genetic engineering is the modification of an organism s genetic composition by artificial means, often involving the transfer of specific traits, or genes, from one organism into a plant or animal of an entirely different species. This topic has been researched for decades but still has quite some time to be fully mastered in all possible circumstances. When I think of genetic engineering I think of differentRead MoreThe Benefits of Genetically Modified Crops1191 Words  | 5 Pagesthe United States are genetically modified strains. Genetic engineering is very important to modern society because of the world’s expanding population and with the arising need of food; it provides an adequate source. Genetic engineering may have both advantages and disadvantages, but the future of mankind may be affected greatly if it is allowed to prosper as a modern science. Several main arguments that many people have about genetic engineering are the effects of scientific evolution, cloning experimentsRead MoreHuman Genetic Engineering : Ethical Or Not?1117 Words  | 5 PagesHuman Genetic Engineering: Ethical or Not? If man could prevent his child from having Tay Sachs Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Down Syndrome and other life threatening genetic disorders, should he be able to? Using human genetic engineering, scientists have developed the skills and techniques to do just this. Human genetic engineering, however, is fairly new in the science world and many questions and unresolved problems still remain. This technology is the center of many arguments in the science worldRead MoreHuman Genetic Engineering And Eugenics1582 Words  | 7 PagesHuman genetic engineering and eugenics have been a largely controversial topic over the past decades. Eugenics can be popularly defined as the science of improving and enhancing a human population or person through manipulating the human genes, selective breeding, and sterilization. The end goal and desired result of eugenics is to basically create a human race or people with more desirable biological, physical, or psychological traits. Eugenics and genetic mod ification is a current, pressing subject;
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Do Science And Religion Conflict - 1719 Words
Science and philosophy have wandered lines amongst a few of the world s experience with the two biggest contrasts being human and world improvement. Even though there are contrasts in the convictions of these two gatherings, they are at last endeavoring to unravel the same riddles that devour the brains of individuals from both controls. At last one may say, both controls are attempting to settle two distinct riddles that may be truly diverse, yet at the end of the day are parts of the same riddle. Both the system and the points of science and religion appear to be changed. Science is thought to be more connected to the material part for goodness sake, where religion is concerned with the otherworldly. These are only two of the distinctions to be talked about in this paper, as I endeavor to answer the subject of Do Science and religion conflict? Science and religion both make emotions going from suspicion, doubt, and clash to those of admiration, resistance, and soothe. The emotions made are regularly reliant on a singular s level of association with the comparing order of study. Radical in either teach would be well on the way to add to the negative emotions recorded above, while those with learning of both studies would incline towards the sentiments connected with deference and resistance. Another gathering of people who might ordinarily regard and endure the convictions of both studies are those settled in the foundations of the rabbit s furShow MoreRelatedThe Relationship Between Religion And Science907 Words  | 4 Pagesrelationship between religion and science is indubitably debated. Barbour describes four ways of viewing this relationship (conflict, independence, dialogue--religion explains what science cannot, and integration--religion and science overlap). Gould presents a case in which religion and science are non-overlapping magisteria (NOMA), that the two entities teach different things and therefore do not conflict. The subject of this essay is Worrall, who says that religion and science does conflict, and that genuineRead MoreScience and Religion Essays808 Words  | 4 PagesScience and religion have always been in conflict with one another because they each represent complete opposite ideals, science is about how nature controls how the universe works and religion is about how God controls how the universe works. In the five models on science and religion I believe that Conflict best describes the relationship between the two. Conflict tells how either science is completely right and religion is wrong or the other way around and that religion and science are completelyRead MoreThe Relationship between Science and Religion755 Words  | 4 Pages  The Relationship between Science and Religion   The relationship between science and religion will be analyzed in the following three aspects: conflict, compartmentalization and complementariness.   Conflict   An essential question on our own existence is bound to evoke our curiosity: where did we come from? Charles Darwin, in his theory of evolution, believed that human being was evolved from apes. However, the Genesis in Bible considered that human was created by God. Undoubtedly, it is impossibleRead MoreThe Clash of Faith and Evidence1545 Words  | 6 PagesClash of Faith and Evidence History has shown that in the past, religion dominated as an explanation of knowledge and was used to explain many of the worlds mysteries such as why the sun rises and sets and how the world came to be. Science, using concrete and tested evidence, gave light to many of these mysteries and debunked the myths created from religion. In todays modern society, science has advanced in a remarkable fashion. Science has broken down objects into structured molecules, found theRead MoreRelationship Between Science And Religion950 Words  | 4 Pageshas long been a question about the relationship between science and religion. These two systems of human experience have undoubtedly had a lot of influence in the course of mankind’s development. The philosopher Ian Barbour created a taxonomy regarding science and religion that has become widely influential. His taxonomy postulates that there are four ways in which science and religion are thought to interact. The four categories are: c onflict, independence, dialogue, and integration. By using articlesRead MoreScience Is The Pursuit Of Value And Meaning Essay1637 Words  | 7 PagesScience and religion have a complicated relationship in modern society. In this paper, I argue that science and religion are non-overlapping; science is the pursuit of truth in the natural world, and religion is the pursuit of value and meaning. This position is based largely on Stephen Jay Gould’s NOMA, and it seeks to address weak areas of his argument. In order to properly defend this position, I will define science and religion, establish that they’re exclusive to their domains, present an argumentRead MoreThe Conflict Between Religion And Science951 Words  | 4 PagesIs there a conflict between religion and science, or are both items compatible? This question is addressed in the debate that is written about in the book Science and Religion, Are they Compatible, by Daniel C. Dennett and Alvin Plantinga. Alvin Pl antinga thoroughly debates the topic by covering the compatibility of Christianity and science. He continues his argument by stating the issue of naturalist and science harbor the conflict not the theism. Plantinga goes into detail how some scientific theoriesRead MoreRocks of Ages by Stephen Jay Gould1499 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"Rocks of Ages†is Stephen Jay Gould’s commentary on the conflict between secular scientists and religious believers who reject scientific theory when in it is disagreement with religious teachings about nature and origin of the natural world. Certain aspects of his argument hold true, but the application is impossible and still gives one magisteria a dominance over the other. While it is an accurate account of historical disagreements and critical views of well-known people, his argument is flawedRead MoreReligion Is Interfering With Science And Or Social Progress?1738 Words  | 7 Pagesyears of my life, I only knew one religion, Christianity. As I got older, I started recognizing that there was more than one religion, but I never could understand what they were and what they meant. Today, I am starting to understand more and more about other religions. It has occurred to me that sometimes there is a conflict between religions when talking about certain top ics. There are multiple controversial topics that can cause an uproar for one or many religions such as abortion and evolutionRead MoreThe Differences Between Science And Religion913 Words  | 4 PagesOften claims are made that science and religion are incompatible; the two cannot coexist as to believe in God contradicts scientific belief. To look at science and think of it in a completely separate field to religion is not true a true reflection of the relationship between the two. Science and religion overlap in several ways. They both affect our everyday decisions and impact on the way we view and understand the world around us. They both address ‘the same world, the same reality.’ just in different
Outlaw Heroes free essay sample
Its a bird! Its a plane! Its a man in his mid-thirties who has super strength and flies? Not all us can live by, and relate to complete fiction. Traditional heroes have never quite served the same purpose as the outlaw hero has. Everybody can appreciate a little realism, which is why society is more psychologically attracted to the outlaw hero. The outlaw, or flawed hero, has a certain persona in which appeals to everyone. In other words, outlaw heroes are a movies way of projecting imperfection as a quality. Imagine if your rough edges in life, all your problems, and flaws against other eople led you to become a nationally recognized hero? Everybody in the history of time who has broken the law (who has been caught) has been punished. Howard Pyle decided that a hero can still break the law be righteous and become a hero Just like a Superman, but real life. We will write a custom essay sample on Outlaw Heroes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page There are many ways to describe outlaw heroes attractable qualities to the common audience. One would be their strong-willed choices that they make. Every day, people in todays society must make choices: what shoes to wear, what to eat for lunch, etc. However, for the outlaw hero, their choices onsist of whether or not to obey the law to achieve their goal. Psychologically, a person is attracted to things that they cannot have. The reason most people are psychologically more attracted to outlaw heroes rather than traditional heroes is responsibility. An outlaw hero, does not have to save a city or a bus of people as traditional heroes such as Spiderman and Superman do. Outlaw heroes usually have a situation involving one human being usually family or close relation. For example: Max Payne is avenging his wife and child who were murdered by a gang.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Open Campus free essay sample
Student rights earned My name is Diana V. I am a student at Foothill High School and I am writing an essay on whether or not high schools should have an open lunch campus. Here are some of my ideas. I believe sophomores and higher grade levels should be able to leave for lunch and come back by the next class. When the school keeps students on campus it makes the students want to leave. First of all, the food isnt as good as it would be for ex. At McDonalds or Taco bell, everyone knows cafeteria food is not that appetizing. For students to concentrate better, dont we need a good meal? I think so. Second of all, if the school is concerned about students ditching classes, it wouldnt be such a bad idea to keep track of attendance after lunch. Confront the student about their skipping and punish them for it. We will write a custom essay sample on Open Campus or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Punishment could mean cleaning the tables after everyone at lunch, after school detention, or taking away off campus privileges. Third of all, when students leave campus and COME BACK, it shows dedication to return and learn. Also students learn responsibility and its helping us be ready for our independent life as adults. Thank you for taking your time reading this:) Report Post Like Reply13 Yes, remember the good old days When people dont confine them to a little bubble for fear that there is a 0. 00001% chance something remotely bad will happen? People today are so scared for tiny, trivial things. More freedom would bring more experience in life, more fun, and more choices. Things are going to happen anyways, why not have some fun? In addition, bored students are not good learners. Some students would rather stare at a black wall than sit through class. A little break outside of campus will definitely reinvigorate them. Report Post Like Reply10 Yes, but with reasonable limitations. High school is an important transitional time. Children start becoming adults, and that transformation should include new freedoms and responsibilities. An open campus, particularly for seniors, is an important step to the independence of adulthood that the students will experience upon finishing high school. However, an open campus is probably not appropriate for freshmen or sophomores. Additionally, there should be restrictions in place to prevent students from abusing the system, such as revoking open campus rights if a student fails to attend scheduled classes. Report Post Like Reply20 Yes, But In A Limited Way Only The open campus policy is okay as long as there are strictly enforced rules. Typically, only seniors should be able to leave campus for lunch, since many of them are closing in on legal age. Freshmen, however, shouldnt be allowed to leave. Plus, the open campus policy should be treated as a privilege that can be taken away. Posted by: rpr Report Post Like Reply Challenge00 We should be able to have an open campus I think that we should have an open campus. An open campus would let everyone have fresh air at least once a day. We are stuck inside for seven and a half hours a day! We go into school in the morning when the sun is still down, the teachers have the shades on the windows shut to keep the cold air out, and we leave school when the sun is up and when you walk outside for the first time in seven hours, the sun is really bright and it hurts your eyes. When we get home we have homework and chores to do, and some kids have jobs that are also inside! And when they get home it might be dark and cold outside and they might have other responsibilities they have to do. I think an open campus would be a good thing in our school because it would free up space in the cafeteria so we wouldn’t be as crammed as we are now and it would be a chance to get fresh air in our lungs. I think that kids should be able to go to subway or Frank’s for lunch. Students should learn the ways of choice, time management, and comprehension of the real world if we leave for lunches. Open campus would give students the chance to prove that they can be responsible and manage time like they would have to do with a job.. It would also give students a chance to get a little break from school then come back and be ready to focus. Report Post Like Reply00 Support the economy Profit of local restaurants and fast food places will increase, due to the rise of high school customers. Also the school lunches are loaded with preservatives and additives. The quality of the food is very poor, and not everyone is obese. Why do the rest of us need to eat this crap for lunch. Report Post Like Reply00 Students should learn the ways of choice, time management, and comprehension of the real world if we leave for lunches. Open campus would give students the chance to prove that they can be responsible, and manage time like they would have to do with a job. Students should also have the chance to select there own food, so that they can select healthier products. It would also give students a chance to get a little break from school then come back and be ready to focus. Report Post Like Reply00 I think Juniors and Seniors should have an open campus policy. We should allow this policy as a privilege for Juniors and Seniors. Other schools allow it as a privilege for good grades and citizenship. I believe that the policy would be a good incentive for students to get better grades. The ability to leave early, arrive late, leave during study halls (then return for next period), and leaving to go out to lunch (returning by next period), would be something I would be willing to work for and an inspiration to get good grades. It also shows responsibility that a student can leave and return on their own. Report Post
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